Leadel - Cultural hub
A media platform dedicated to discussions with outstanding thinkers and innovators from the global Jewish community, enabling a younger generation to take pride in their roots.

Leadel set out to familiarize people with the cultural heritage and achievements of various Jewish innovators, sowing the seeds of leadership by example. Creating engaging content spanning from interviews, panel talks to instructional videos, Leadel developed concepts that formed a space for discussion and discovery. We had to make the platform informative, but also fun in order to cater to a diverse palette of interests. Wysgal developed a strategy for engaging the visitors with the content as well as within the community.
Using color coding and other sorting methods, we achieved a playful, and yet efficient interface, furthering the engagement with the site's content as well as with like-minded users

The media hub was to become a nerve-center for nurturing leadership. Two major offsite extensions were the Youtube channel containing over 250 videos of one-to-one interviews and programs, and the Leadel FLY Conference(e.g. Berlin 2003), aimed at showcasing Jewish innovators as well as providing them with expert tools and opportunities within Europe. While planning the interface, the continual expansion of both the site's content and platforms, required foresight.

Leadel developed a number of playful strategies for keeping it's visitors motivated. The ThinkTank was a keyword game in which you would 'fish' the subjects that interested you, creating a personalized experience. Color-coded content, allowed users to pair up through similar interests. Dynamic interactions with popular content and a card-like interface made the gamified framework of the site dynamic, avoiding scrollable list behaviors.

Discussions, rich personal profiles, and discovery tools were integrated throughout the site to promote an exchange of ideas and increase involvement.

Answering a need for a sense of community and belonging began by honoring individualism. The UX emphasized personalization and common-ground.

With a broad spectrum of interviews, series and panel talks, we created gamified content explorations while listening directly to the users.

Leadel presented intricate topics, intended to create conversation. Making the discussions a critical facet of the content required unique UX solutions.