Tuttnauer International - Web presence
Maintaining leadership in the highly competitive health industry with a user-centric digital strategy, creating a fresh, research-based online presence.

Tuttnauer is a powerful brand name offline, catering to health institutions in over 140 countries. However, online is where the new customer acquisition happens, and where products are measured directly with those of competitors. Staying atop of rising competition requires a real understanding of how clients look for products, and what considerations are involved in their decision making. This is a story of creating trust by creating an effective information structure and a fresh web presence, while aligning the corporate vision with the customers' technical and psychological concerns.
A fresh, clearly branded design concept, with defined market segments. The products can be viewed and compared through the funnel most fitting for each persona.

Tuttnauer targets four distinct markets, each having its own gateway in the site. This allows us to create a catered marketing funnel with specialized content, and increased SEO visibility. A clearly defined flow map& confirmed the four hubs can rely on a single content structure, saving on development time, while keeping the channel content distinct.

Though actual sales occur offline, creating affinity and trust towards a brand and its products require a sharp online presence. Understanding how users take decisions, what data is most essential to them in a highly technical market, and what it takes for them to gain enough trust to initiate contact with sales or distribution determined the UX strategy, wireframes and UI.

Selecting the best equipment for your hospital, lab or clinic is no easy task. Incorporating a feature comparison tool made decision making smoother.

Based on user research, major pages were revised to become more efficient. New Market pages, product pages, and better navigation were installed.

There's something to the saying 'Don't argue with success'. Tuttnauer strategically keeps popular products in focus, while continuously evolving the UX.

Adding a layer of trust and accessibility, Sales and Support offer automatically localized functionality, as well as immediate chat support.